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Year 3

We are Hazel Class and Lilac Class.


Hazel Class is taught by Miss Edwards.

Miss Edwards' favourite animal is her pet cat Marty (full name Martimus Orangecat), her favourite ice cream is Pamphill Dairy's honeycomb and her hobbies are hiking in the Purbecks, birdwatching at the local nature reserve and baking some sweet treats. 




She has been teaching for 2 years and her favourite thing about school is that the children teach her all sorts of interesting facts! Every day really is a school day.

Our support staff are the wonderful Mrs Motton, Mrs Byles (1:1), Mrs Derham and Mrs Hull. The class is covered by the outstanding Mrs Oliver on Friday afternoons.

The best word to describe Hazel as a team is effervescent

In Hazel Class we really enjoy being creative.  If we can sneak a few minutes of free time and free choice to learn, love or laugh together you will find us involved with lots of arts and crafts.

Our class novel is currently The Wild Robot by Peter Brown. We are reading this because we loved it in Guided Reading and couldn't put the book down! 


The thing we love best about Sandford St Martin's is that we feel like we belong. 



Lilac Class is taught by Miss Colley (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Driver (Thursday and Friday).

Miss Colley's favourite animal is a dog, her favourite ice cream is banana and her hobbies are walking her pet dogs (Stanley and Rogan), playing netball with Miss Thomas and Mrs Benko-Robbins, and lindy hop dancing. 


She has been teaching for 11 years and her favourite thing about school is taking groups of children out to enjoy forest school.

Mrs Driver's favourite animal is a monkey, her favourite ice cream is cookie dough and her hobbies are reading and sea swimming- yes even when it is freezing cold! 


She has been teaching for 9 years and her favourite thing about school is having fantastic days out together on school trips.

Our support staff are called Mrs Crook, Mrs Motton (PPA cover), Mrs Allen, and Mrs Pryke. 

The best word to describe Lilac Class team is smashing. 

In Lilac Class we really enjoy Computing and completing Art and DT projects.  If we can sneak a few minutes of free time and free choice to learn, love or laugh together you will find us involved with playing games. Our favourite ones include Around the world, Don't clap this one back and Desert island.

Our class novel is currently The Wild Robot by Peter Brown.. We are reading this because we really enjoyed starting it off in Guided Reading and wanted to read more.

The thing we love best about Sandford St Martin's is we are a family. 


We LOVED our Year 3 trip to Stonehenge earlier this year, we just wish the weather was as good as when Miss Colley and Miss Edwards went for their recce!