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Ofsted and SIAMS

Reports: Ofsted and SIAMS

We were inspected by Ofsted on 1st and 2nd November 2022.  The final report for this states that we achieved:

Overall effectiveness: Good

The quality of education: Good

Behaviour and attitudes: Outstanding

Personal development: Good

Leadership and management: Good

Early years provision: Good

IN SUMMARY – We are GOOD with Outstanding features


The full report can be found here

Some of the highlights of the report stated that:


"Pupils are proud to attend this inclusive school. The schools Christian values underpin daily life for everyone and pupils know that these are valuable, lifelong principles."



“Pupils’ behaviour and attitudes to their learning are exceptional.”



“Lessons are not affected by any low-level disruption. Pupils meet the high expectations of teachers at all times. They show high levels of self-control and engagement.”



“Teachers have good subject knowledge in the subjects they teach. Staff in the early years are knowledgeable about the early years curriculum and how young children learn.”



“Leaders have made sure that teachers are skilled and confident in reducing barriers to learning for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This means that pupils with SEND are able to learn well alongside their peers. Effective support for pupils with more complex needs means they experience success, which builds their confidence and self-esteem.”


A huge well done to the whole school community – we are very proud that Ofsted has recognised the many amazing qualities of our school.


SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) Report

Our latest SIAMS inspection was undertaken in November 2019 and a copy of the report is available here.

The Overall Judgement was Good with additional judgements on the impact of collective worship and the  effectiveness of religious education (RE) both being graded as Good.