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Our Governors


Mr R Heard Parent Governor; Vice-Chair of Standards and Assessment Committee
Mrs J Jeanes Foundation Governor
Mr M Holloway Parent Governor; Vice-Chair of Governors
Rev D Swann Ex-Officio Governor
Mrs M Appleton Associate Member; Chair of Standards and Assessments Committee
Mr C Logan Associate Member
Mr P Gale Staff Governor
Mrs V Britt Local Authority Governor
Mrs D Smith Co-Opted Governor; Chair of Finance & Resources Committee
Mrs Melanie Bolt Chair of Governors, Foundation Governor
Mr P Beveridge Headteacher; Governor
Mrs C Pampin Deputy Headteacher; Associate Member
Mrs F Okai Foundation Governor
Mrs D Eite Foundation Governor

What is the Governing Body

Every school has a Governing Body, which is made up of representatives of the local community who give their time and services to the school.  As a Church of England Voluntary Aided faith school, the majority of our Governors are Foundation Governors who are required to be members of the church and local parish.  The governors come from a wide variety of backgrounds and do not have to have direct experience in education. Governors volunteer their time and particular area of skill, experience or expertise; the main requirement for the role is the desire to see the school and its pupils succeed in their education and achieve their individual potential.  All Governors are required to hold a current Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate and to attend governor training, including mandatory Safeguarding, on a regular basis.

The Full Governing Body meets six times a year (or more) to discuss and review any current issues at the school and to look forward to upcoming developments. Additionally, there are three sub committees (the Strategy Committee, the Standards and Assessments Committee and the Finance and Resources’ Committee) that also meet once or twice a term.

What role do the Governors play at Sandford St. Martin’s CE VA Primary?

All governing bodies have three core functions determined by the Department for Education:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors are not involved in the day-to-day management of the school; instead, the governing body acts as a “critical friend” to the head teacher by providing advice, challenge and support.  Any questions or issues relating to a particular lesson, subject, pupil or class should be referred to the relevant teacher or the head teacher in the first instance.

The kinds of issues kept under review by governors include:

  • How are children developing academically?
  • Are they making appropriate progress?
  • Are all pupils, regardless of age, background or ability, given the appropriate support and opportunity to succeed?
  • How much money does the school have to spend?
  • How is the money being spent?
  • Is the school getting good value for money?
  • Are the premises safe and fit for purpose?
  • What burden is being placed on teachers?
  • Do they have appropriate time, training and resources to do their job?

Whilst most issues and concerns should be referred to the head teacher, governors can provide further information or advice on their role where appropriate. Governors often attend school events so can be approached there, or they can be contacted via the school office, or by email at:


How to become a Governor

Please see our school vacancies section in the Join us tab for current Governor vacancies. All Governors are elected or appointed for a period of four years. Vacancies arise as individuals’ terms come to an end.  If you are interested in becoming a school governor, please contact the Headteacher or Chair of Governors.  For full details of the various categories of governor and any eligibility prerequisites, please see the school’s “Instrument of Government” and “Governor Qualification and Disqualification Criteria” available to download at the bottom of this page.

We currently need two new Foundations Governors, and would also like to recruit a Governor with accountancy or other financial skills. If this is you, or you know someone who could fulfil those roles, please do get in touch...


Sandford St. Martin’s CE VA Primary School has an open-door policy and will always listen to parents’ concerns.
It is in everyone’s interest that complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage.  Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to invoke formal procedures.  The school will take informal concerns seriously and make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
There are occasions when a concern is unresolved, and complainants would like to raise their concerns formally.  In those cases, the school’s formal complaints’ policy and procedure should be invoked.  (See summary below and full policy and procedure at:

Complaining about the actions of a member of staff other than the Headteacher.

1)   Informal Stage

The complainant is normally expected to arrange to communicate concerns directly with a suitable member of staff but this may also include another designated post-holder or middle manager such as a Key Stage Coordinator. This may be by letter, by telephone or in person by appointment.

2)  Formal Stage

If the complaint is not resolved at the informal stage the complainant should preferably put the complaint in writing and pass it to the Headteacher or other designated member of staff on behalf of the Headteacher who will be responsible for its investigation. The Headteacher may nominate an alternative, suitable Investigator/Complaints Coordinator at this time or handle the investigation and coordination personally.

Complaining about the actions of the Headteacher

1)   Informal stage

The complainant is usually expected to arrange to speak directly with the Headteacher. In the case of serious concerns it may be appropriate to raise them directly with the Chair of the Governing Body. Many concerns can be resolved by simple clarification or the provision of information. If the matter is not resolved, and if both parties agree, then a third party may be invited to act as a mediator at a further meeting. A refusal, unreasonably, to attempt an informal resolution may result in the procedure being terminated forthwith.

2)   Formal Stage

If the complaint is not resolved at the informal stage the complainant must put the complaint in writing and pass it to the Chair of the Governing Body who will determine which of the agreed procedures to invoke. If it is determined that the complaint is “General”, the Chair of the Governing Body will arrange for its investigation either personally or by an alternative designated Governor (the Investigator/Complaints Coordinator).