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Forest School

What is Forest School? 

At Sandford St. Martin’s, we take learning outside the classroom with our beautiful Forest School, situated within the school grounds.

Forest School is an educational process that supports holistic development of children through a mix of child-initiated play, exploration and learning.  

Through careful observation and positive encouragement, Forest School builds on the skills shown by the children. The Forest school leader matches activities (and small achievable tasks) with preferred styles of learning which sets children up to succeed. This accelerates learning, develops self-confidence and promotes self-esteem. 

We offer trained, expert staff (Level 2 and Level 3 qualified by the Forest School Association, via Dorset Forest School) to ensure risk is well managed and that children benefit from their sessions - which run once a week for about 6 weeks. EVERY CHILD, EVERY YEAR - half a class at a time! 

Forest School Ethos Statement at Sandford St Martin's

At Forest School we believe that it is important to address the fundamental links between emotional intelligence, self-esteem, positive behaviour and motivated learning. We believe that this supports the well-being of individuals that may become inspired to fulfil their potential and be better placed to realise the difference their actions, skills and knowledge can have. This in turn nurtures a sense of belonging, self-worth and a love for learning which they may take forward into all areas of their lives. So, in essence, our Forest School provision is an 'identical twin' to our wider school mission, vision and values. LEARN - LOVE - LAUGH.

‘All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual’ 

Albert Einstein.